• Dry Mouth

    Dry mouth, or xerostomia, occurs when the salivary glands can’t produce enough saliva to maintain a healthy oral environment. Symptoms of Dry Mouth Saliva helps us swallow, speak, taste, and digest. If you have a dry mouth, you can experience symptoms such as: A dry mouth and tongue A tingling or

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  • Eating Disorders and Oral Health

    Eating disorders, such as anorexia nervosa and bulimia, can have devastating effects on your health, including your teeth. Anorexia is marked by an extreme restriction on how much is eaten, while bulimia is associated with binging and purging, or vomiting after eating. The effects on teeth and oral hygiene

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  • Extractions

    Dentists prefer to preserve your natural teeth as much as possible, but sometimes that just isn’t an option. There are two ways a tooth can be removed, depending on how severe the damage is to the tooth: Simple extraction: Local anesthesia is used, which is a numbing agent either applied or injected

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  • Facial Trauma and Reconstructive Surgery

    When accidents happen, our oral and maxillofacial surgeons are here to help. Facial trauma refers to any unexpected force to the face that results in any injury to the teeth, bones, or soft-tissue of the face. These injuries can affect vital functions, like breathing through the nose or blinking, and

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  • Fillings

    The bacteria in plaque produce acids that erode tooth enamel, eventually creating a hole, or cavity, in the tooth surface. Left untreated, this decay can spread to the interior of the tooth, and might lead to the need for a crown, a root canal, or even extraction. When caught early, your dentist can

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